Dear Friend,
Thank you for being part of the KinderSmile Foundation village. As we are nearing the end of 2024, we reflect back on this remarkable year with hearts full of emotion and gratitude. What a year, and it was all possible because of YOU!
This year was full of growth and continued development. We count our blessings as we continued to serve the community, improved over 8,000 smiles at KinderSmile Community Oral Health Centers Bloomfield, Newark, and Trenton, and through updated and expanded community programs.
With your support, we continued to spread awareness of the disparities that we see everyday, as we advocate for a change in the landscape of access to oral health care in the state of New Jersey.
We are truly grateful to you, our donors, grantors, volunteers, and friends for being part of the KinderSmile Foundation village.
Together, we can work to ensure that every family has access to a dentist and preventable dental diseases are eradicated. We couldn't do it without all of you! Your continued support and generosity have been truly appreciated! #ItTakesAVillage
We wish you and your family a new year of health and smiles! Blessings, |
Nicole McGrath-Barnes, DDS, FACD Founder & CEO |
| Michal Herman, DDS, FACD COO |
Earlier this month we received an email from a teacher at one of the schools in Newark. She personally reached out with concerns about one of her first grade students. The six-year old child was in need of urgent dental care, suffering from severe dental disease. After hearing his story, we did what we do best, and offered him free inkind dental care.
Most of the patients we serve come from marginalized communities that are in dire need of expansion of services, suffering from years of systemic racism that has placed barriers for equitable social determinants of health.
This brave young boy is just one example. Aside from never visiting a dentist and having multiple teeth with pain and infection, needing urgent and extensive dental care on 16 of his 22 teeth, his family is dealing with housing insecurities and critical medical care needs. Being in the community and for the community for over 17 years, we are proud to have a teacher advocate be able to reach out to KinderSmile Foundation for help!
This is why we choose to do what we do, and this is why your continued support is so greatly appreciated! |
Focusing on Education, Intervention, and Prevention, raising awareness of the importance of oral health to total health and wellbeing is an important part of our daily work and continued advocacy. Many times, when we meet a new “villager” who hears our journey, they say “yes, everyone wants a straight white smile!” This is when we tell the real story of our patients that we see everyday. It is never about a straight white smile. It is about having access to care, and an opportunity to thrive.
Unfortunately, for many of our families, barriers in access to care are the reality. Oral health affects overall health, mental health, school absenteeism, school performance, and employability.
We are grateful to each and every one of you for being a part of our village! With your help, KinderSmile Foundation addresses these disparities and bridges the gap, making a long lasting impact for our patients! Thank you! |
There is still time this year to make a difference. Please help us give a child a healthy smile!
As you wrap up your year-end giving plans, please consider giving the gift of a healthy smile by supporting KinderSmile Foundation.
Your tax-deductible donation has a direct lasting impact on the health and wellbeing of every child and adult served at our
Dental Homes and through our programs. |
To learn more about donations of stock or planned giving,
please email Nye Veale. |
| Thank You to Our 2024 Grantors: |
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*{{Organization Phone}}* *{{Organization Website}}*
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