Dear Friend,
Thank you for being part of the KinderSmile Foundation family! We hope that you and your family are in good health. Your continued support, especially in the last few months, has been truly appreciated!
Since our last Newsletter, we have implemented all recommended COVID-19 protocols, and have successfully reopened KinderSmile Community Oral Health Centers of Bloomfield and Newark. Our Dental Homes continue to increase access to oral health education and dental care for our State's most underserved populations.
Please read on to learn about our charity's expanded efforts of eradicating dental disease across New Jersey. We could not do it without all of you. #ItTakesAVillage |
The latest from KinderSmile Foundation: |
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We were excited to open our doors to staff on June 8th. For two weeks we concentrated on organization, team building, and learning about all the newly implemented COVID-19 protocols. KinderSmile Foundation and KinderSmile Community Oral Health Centers are in compliance with all recommended guidelines set forth by the ADA, CDC, and the State of New Jersey. The health and safety of our staff, volunteers, patients, and community is our priority.
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Our grand reopening for patients was on June 22, 2020. It was exciting to see our smiling patients and community again! |
Opening Soon:
KinderSmile Community Oral Health Center Trenton
Our new state of the art Dental Home is a 13-chair facility in the urban community of Trenton. With over 85,000 residents, The City of Trenton is designated as medically underserved by the Commissioner of Health and Senior Services. Trenton Kids Count 2019 states that 34% of families with children are living below poverty levels, 63% of Trenton children have Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare, and 58% of expectant Trenton mothers receive late or no prenatal health care. Due to the dire need of access to oral health care, KinderSmile Community Oral Health Care Trenton will provide quality comprehensive services for adults and children alike.
Our growing list of Trenton community partners include Capital Health, HomeFront NJ, Children's Home Society of NJ, The Puerto Rican Community Center, Task Force One, Children's Futures, and Trenton Health Team, just to name a few.
We are grateful to The George H. and Estelle M. Sands Foundation, The Burke Foundation, and The Princeton Area Community Foundation for their support. Thank you! |
During the COVID-19 closure, construction and outfitting of KSCOHC Trenton has continued. |
CSLP student Eilat created a decorative donations box for GRACE's Pantry food and goods collection. |
KinderSmile Foundation was founded in the community and for the community, and after the COVID-19 hiatus, we are excited to return to our partners!
KSOHP visits are beginning to shape the fall calendar. Thank you to Delta Dental of New Jersey Foundation, The Horizon Foundation of New Jersey, and Partners for Health Foundation for supporting this initiative. Thank you to the Summit Foundation for supporting our return to GRACE's Pantry, where we provide oral health education and dental care to uninsured Summit residents.
We are grateful to The Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey and the New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities for supporting our Special Smiles program. A virtual slideshow and instructional classes have been developed and scheduled, in order to train staff and aids at schools for children with developmental disabilities. Tooth Brushing Stations are being established to promote oral hygiene and implement a routine that will lead to increased oral health.
With the help of Eman Kayali, and support of The Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey, we are thrilled to expand our Perinatal Health and Wellness Program to the Arabic-speaking community! |
Our Programs and Volunteer Opportunities |
KinderSmile Community Service Learning Program continues to bear fruit. We are grateful to our dedicated CSLP volunteers who have been paramount to our successful reopening. In addition to shadowing and assisting providers and staff, they greet our patients, screen for COVID-19 symptoms, and ensure that all newly implemented guidelines and protocols are followed. Thank you, we appreciate all that you do! |
KinderSmile Foundation Congratulates our CSLP volunteers who are beginning their Dental School education this month:
Sara Emara -
University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine
Ariel Pinchasov - Rutgers School of Dental Medicine Diana Adebambo - NYU College of Dentistry Thank you and Good Luck! |
| CSLP Volunteers Andrew, Rosi, Yue, Akosua, and Sara
at KSCOHC Bloomfield. |
| KSOHP - KinderSmile Oral Health Program
Bringing oral health education and preventive dental care to schools & community events PHWP - Perinatal Health & Wellness Program Promoting maternal oral health and dental care during pregnancy and early childhood
CSLP - Community Service Learning Program Youth mentorship through volunteer work & internships GBAS - Give Back A Smile Volunteer opportunities for dental professionals |
As always, we are truly grateful to our donors, grantors, volunteers, and friends who are all part of the KinderSmile Foundation "village."
The coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic has highlighted economic and racial disparities in our society. Now, more than ever, thank you for helping us achieve our mission to provide access to oral health care and ensure that every child has access to a dentist! Together, we can work towards eradicating preventable dental disease. We couldn't do it without all of you!
Blessings, |
Nicole McGrath-Barnes, DDS, FACD Founder & CEO
KinderSmile Foundation |
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